Thursday, April 7, 2011
Title: Lost Reflections: Volume 2, Almost Human~The First Trilogy
Author: Melanie Nowak
Publisher: WoodWitchDame Publishing
ISBN: 978-0982410240
Genre: Vampire Romance/ Paranormal
Pages: 272
Rating: 4.5 Blood Drops
Reviewed by S. Ryder of Ramsey's Reviews

Great Book!
Again, I am another satisfied reader. I love the story and plot throughout Lost Reflections and Ms. Nowak kept me wanting more and more. I read the entire book in a matter of days and could not put it down. I really liked how Lost Reflections picked up where Fatal Infatuation left off and did not leave a void like some stories do. I love the story line between the characters and can say honestly, I look forward to reading about the vixen as much as the main characters! The only thing I can complain about is the lengthy chapters used to describe one of the main characters past. It seemed to be too much detail and took away from the rest of the story. But, if that is the only complaint then it goes to show how talented Ms. Nowak is! I hope she continues to write and can't wait for more!
S. Ryder