Thursday, March 24, 2011
Title: Lost Reflections: Volume 2~Almost Human~ The First Trilogy
Author: Melanie Nowak
Publisher: WildWoodWitch Publications
ISBN: 978-0982410240
Genre: Vampire Romance/Paranormal Romance
Pages: 252
Rating: 4.5 Blood Drops
Reviewed by Heike King of Ramsey's Reviews

I give this book 4.5 out of 5. I really like this series, but I thought there was just a little too much of Cain's past. It kinda makes you feel like you are reading a different book. Other than that, it's great and I can't wait to read the next one.

I love the way the vampires change their faces and how they turn into dust when you stake them. I'm still missing some more vampire fights, staking, and rogues. Still, it's a great book and a wonderful series to get hooked on.