Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Title: Have A Merry Viking!
Author: Ellen Margret
Publisher: DCL Publishing, LLC
ISBN# 978-09846267-8-6
Genre: Christmas Story; Romance; ebook
Pages: 27
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by Amy Ramsey of Ramsey’s Reviews

Ola wants to get her good friend, Thea, the ultimate Christmas gift, and not one of those romance books about Vikings that Thea has hundreds of lying around her home, but something more spectacular. Thea doesn’t see anything wrong with her fascination with reading a love story about some sexy Scandinavian who sweeps the heroine off her feet for a nice romp in the hay. On Christmas Eve, while Thea and Ola hang out drinking, a misfit of Carolers stop by collecting donations for heart research. Thea could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the sort gathered outside her door: Noble the Gnome, Elrica the Elf, Filma the Fairy, and Santa Claus. To her dismay, the fairy wants to grant a wish for Thea and playing along with what she thinks is a gag, Thea wishes for the best Christmas ever; a big, handsome Viking to show up on her doorstep and sweep her off her feet. But is this fairy for real? Or is there some truth to the meaning of “The Magic of Christmas”?

Have A Merry Viking is absolutely a delight to read. I immediately acquired an emotional attachment toward Thea and for a short read, that’s incredible. The author, Ellen Margret, effectively captures the enchantment of Christmas magic in a fun, imaginative way. Now I want my own scantily clad Viking wish to come true =) . I most definitely will be recommending this short story to those who love to read about sexy Vikings! Thank you Ellen Margret.

Do you want to read more about Ellen Margret and her books? Visit


Ellen said...

Hi Amy

Many thanks for reviewing my story. I am so glad you had fun reading it and related to the characters. I had fun writing it.


Diane D White said...

Huge congrats on this terrific story, Ellen! I loved it. A perfect holiday tale.