Saturday, January 15, 2011
Author: Carol North
Publisher: eTreasures Publishing (
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Spicy
Reviewed by: Sue Roebuck
Rating: 4.5 stars

Carol North, my pleasant reading surprise (if she doesn’t mind me calling her that) proves herself to be a versatile author with this short story. Having just read and adored “Savannah Heat” I am now thrown into new universe with another set of highly diverse characters. This time I’m in India, the Himalayas to be exact.

Leila Darling, a woman very much of this world and a skeptic of Indian gods, has a skiing accident and is thrust into an exotic world of eternal sunshine where she’s a revered priestess. And here she meets her “soul mate” Rosh – a raven-haired beauty who wears just a jewel encrusted loin cloth and is an expert in the Karma Sutra. Yes, the story’s raunchy, spicy and sizzling with hot sex.

Another pleasure is Ms North’s sense of place which she excels at: crystalline bells, “an opalescent cliff…sparkling like a jewel”. No-one can doubt Leila’s in paradise. The plot ebbs and flows at a pleasing rate and the contrast in cultures adds interest. My only bugbear was an unexpected twist at the end – but that’s my personal opinion. Most readers will love it.

The story, though short, has many themes – reincarnation, the afterlife, how to feel whole and realize our dreams. Gift for the Goddess is very worthwhile read for a snowy evening. Great imagination.