Thursday, September 16, 2010
Title: Her 5 Favorite Words
Author: Gina Gordon
Publisher: Breathless Press
ISBN: 978-1-926771-36-6
Genre: Erotica
Reviewed by: L.S.Angst
Rating: 5 stars

This bite-sized tryst is the very best kind of "love in an elevator". At first, the reader will nod in sympathy with the heroine, who's long admired the hot boy in the coffee shop, but has never quite had the chance (or the nerve) to say what she really feels. A chance encounter, an opportunity to be alone, and a little sympathy are enough to ignite the sparks that quickly crackle between hero and heroine. The reader will fall into the easy, evocative style of Gordon's prose, and delight in this guilty pleasure that is just enough tease with plenty of follow-through. Equal parts funny, sexy, and well-written, I highly recommend this story, especially the promised "five favorite words" themselves, which made me smile.