Monday, May 24, 2010
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Title: One Soul For Sale
Author:  Cate Masters
Publisher: Eternal Press 
ISBN: Print 978-1926704128/E-book: 978-1-926704-04-3
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 82
Price: Print 5.99/E-book 3.37
Reviewed By: Amy J Ramsey/Ramsey’s Reviews/
Rating: 4 stars
Madelyn is miserably depressed with the direction her life is going; work, dating, the whole aspect of her existence, is spiraling out of control fast. She dreams of becoming a successful artist and someday exhibiting her paintings in the gallery of Whitney Center of Arts and Science. Unfortunately, she is stuck in a dead-end day job working with a prudish boss whom she refers to as “The Evil Dragon Lady”, among other deriding names Madelyn has created for her. When her friend and coworker, Gwen teasingly suggests that she auction off her soul on Ubuy, Madelyn decided, what the heck; she was curious as to what would happen. Not even considering the consequences of her actions and the evil she has just attracted to lay claim over her soul. Will Madelyn be powerful enough to endure the tests which stand before her and the terrifying evil raring to take her soul?
One Soul For Sale offers plenty of suspense that will have the reader rapidly devouring the pages seeking answers. Cate Masters has woven a uniquely intriguing and spine-chilly story about a lonely woman searching for love and ends up bargaining her soul to Satan. Vibrant characters, clever world building and a rich plot makes this tale, One Soul For sale, a must read for individuals who desire an immediate skin crawling short story.