Friday, January 22, 2010
Title:  Checkmate Strategy
Author: Faith Bicknell-Brown
Publisher’s  Address:
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 11
Reviewed By: Amy J Ramsey/Ramsey’s Reviews/
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Dennis is a live in caregiver to Ernie, an old man dying from cancer that loves reminiscing about his past and has a passion for these two things: a good game of chess and a splash of crown royal with his coffee. Until this day, Dennis had thought he’d heard all of Ernie’s tales, but when he started recalling what happened to certain people in his life, Dennis was aware that he did not know who this sinister old man really was.

Checkmate Strategy is a spine-chilling tale which will ensnare the reader throughout the entire short story. Faith Bicknell-Brown has delivered a hair-raising tale with a well formed plot and realistic characters. I recommend this short story to any reader who loves reading Thriller genres.